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Learn Linux Presentation Hack: A Course on Linux Essentials for Ethical Hacking and Penetration Test

Writer's picture: eratotonreabraberderatotonreabraberd

Kali Linux is not illegal by itself. After all, it is just an OS. It is however a tool for hacking too and when someone uses it especially for hacking, it is illegal. It is legal If you install it for useful purposes like learning, or teaching, or using it in the way to fortify your software or your network as It is not illegal to install any Operating System which is licensed and available for download.

Recently, I learnt something I wish I knew a long time ago. How to give a presentation on Zoom and Teams using the presenter view on a computer with only one screen. Given how many presentations I give in my job and that I often travel with my laptop, this is a very useful hack for me. Here is how it works.

Linux Presentation Hack

This article provides a detailed step-by-step guide on how to hack Microsoft Teams with a simple GIF image. The vulnerability published in April-mid 2020 could be exploited by a remote agent, and Microsoft promptly patched the flaw a few days after the disclosure. However, this scenario should be understood as an actual threat facing not only Microsoft Teams but all applications that maintain the same modus operandi.

Pedro Tavares is a professional in the field of information security working as an Ethical Hacker, Malware Analyst and a Security Evangelist. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the security computer blog recent years, he has invested in the field of information security, exploring and analyzing a wide range of topics, such as malware, reverse engineering, pentesting (Kali Linux), hacking/red teaming, mobile, cryptography, IoT, and security in computer networks. He is also a Freelance Writer.

Years ago, I was a manufacturing engineer for Martin Marietta, managing ComputerVision and Sun Microsystems graphics workstations and shop-floor control systems. My boss was a real political animal and one of the youngest managers in the company. One thing he did was work his way into giving presentations to the higher-up suits. Clearly, it seemed to help his career.

This was a presentation held on the 27 December 2008 at the 25th Chaos Communication Congress (25C3) in Berlin. Speakers were pytey, planetbeing and MuscleNerd. The internal presentation is number 2976.

During the presentation MuscleNerd wanted to show the video of a live demo of the unlock with (yellowsn0w), but skipped it because of the missing time. This video was actually released some days before.

So now to the exploit for the first generation Phone there where two bootloader's published there are actually more at first in packages by apple but the only ones in play where 3.9 and 4.6 without boring you the bug's in 3.9 where allowed you to bypass the secpack restriction's by doing some address manipulation's in other word's the secpack said you cannot program at this address for this many bites but it didn't say you could start a little bit early and progress right through the previously restricted area so all you had to do was back up where you wanted to write from write garbage if you want then write what you really want to write so it was just an address bug there is also a Bleichenbacher attack it's different form the secpack research hack does is that check that is done by the bootloader to weather the Firmware is ok uses RSA an xpwnent 3 version of RSA witch is subject to this Bleichenbacher attack witch is basiculy a way to forge the RSA in a way it passes to import a limitation on RSA and it's interesting because this Bleichenbacher attack actually comes in to play and if you place it not only does it allow you to forge the Firmware it actually is used in the seczone and this iPhone SIM Free solution was the first software solution out there for the first generation phone actually used this bleichenbarher attack on the seczone to mutate the token's in a way that they went really valid if you used them with the chipid and norid of the phone it would still fail but if you just blinds use rsa on them it will look the end result would look valid like an unlocked token those where the two primary bug's on the 3.9 4.6 had some different bug's allowed you to bypass the secpack restriction's again the secpack is a constant newsence and any thing you can do to get rid of it's restriction's is good this baysiculy a different version of the -0x400 well i shuldent say that there is another way to trick the address verification of the secpack on the first generation Phone the bootrom does not check the integrity of the bootloader there is this application witch we put out called BootNeuter not only did it allow you to reprogram it but it also allowed you to nuttier it or fakeblank it neutering was a way to permuntley remove all the secpack checks on that phone so it was a patch in the bootloader that would forge that i talked about earlier and make it look like a developer phone called neutering and it takes the secpack completely out of the picture fake blank was just a way to allow the phone to normally boot but if you really wanted to get in there at the low level an give a serial payload before the bootloader has a chance to run you can actually do both normally you whuldent be able to the very last sort of exploit was JerrySIM it was a simcard based hacked witch allowed unsigned code execution in the baseband due to a buffer overflow JerrySIM was leaked and we presume it to be burned lost forever because at the time it was leaked the 3g was being developed and there was no update's for the first generation Phone they had all this time to see what we where exploiting in JerrySIM.

Secure your Linux network by thinking like an attacker.In Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition we are able to cover Linux hacking in more detail than ever before. We are able to show you where Linux may differ from other Unix-like systems and give you Linux-specific countermeasures that you can implement immediately. In the hard-hitting style of Hacking Exposed, Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition once again dives into the actual attacks used by the enemy. Look no further for the actual exploitation techniques used to surreptitiously gain access to Linux systems.Hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition covers the myriad ways a malicious hacker will attack your Linux system, and the rationale behind such behaviour. While the bad guys are well versed in such techniques, this book serves to educate the home user as well as the overworked and underpaid system administrator who is not only responsible for the operation of mission-critical Linux servers, but who must vigilantly secure them on a daily basis.For more information, see the About page.Hacking Linux Exposed, 3rd editionHacking Linux Exposed, 3rd edition is a complete rewrite by the folks at ISECOM. Maybe one day they'll give us text to put at Security: Tips, Tricks, and Hackery NewsletterLinux Security: Tips, Tricks, and Hackery is a weeklynewsletter penned by HLE author Bri Hatch. Each week he tacklesLinux and Unix security issues that can affect you and your systems. Unliketraditional columns which are filled with vague answers and thinly veiledproduct advertisements, the Linux Security: Tips, Tricks, andHackery newsletter will show you examples and code that can bedirectly applied. You can sign up by visiting, and archives are available. (function() var cx = '016410129551417661511:qswgu4aej-i'; var gcse = document.createElement('script'); gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; gcse.async = true; gcse.src = ' =' + cx; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(gcse, s); )();

Dylan Engle, Nathan Nickelson and Aidan Murphy created a hack that teaches sign language by example. Learners can perform a piece of sign language, and the program will tell them if they performed the sign correctly.

Kerston, Engle, Nickelson and Murphy are members of the Austin Peay Association of Computing Machinery, which has had a lot of success at hackathons this year. Team members also did well at HackGT at Georgia Tech and VolHacks at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

i think a core difference between freebsd (BSD license) and linux (GPL 2.0) might be in play. there are exceptions (things dynamically loaded), but generally changes to the linux kernel have to be distributed to the customers, while BSD has no such requirement.

The better-engineered cameras acutally will run much longer than 30 minutes, reliably, with hacked firmwares. The cheaper-engineered cameras often hit their design thermal budget at almost exactly the maximum duration the original firmware would allow anyway.

Since I have to form this stuff into a "State of Embedded Linux" presentationseveral times a year, keeping the information in wiki outline format is convenientfor me. It's easier to put directly into a presentation.

If you were to replace the shipped GPIO platform driver on your target machine, without breaking anything, your driver code would need to provide a concrete implementation of methods exposed in the linux/gpio/driver.h API. Below is some Tegra GPIO platform driver implementation code. If you start from the end, subsys_initcall(tegra_gpio_init), you should find that registering the driver sets a probe callback, in turn setting tegra_gpio_direction_output as the gpio_chip direction_output concrete code.

The first version implementation of the LED interface binds to standard kernel API Gpio_Request, Gpio_Direction_Output, Gpio_Get_Value, and Gpio_Free functions exposed in include/linux/gpio.h. This is rather straightforward as the binding is mostly one-to-one to the C functions. In this linux_interface version, as soon as you bind, you end up executing the C concrete implementation of the shipped GPIO driver.

Here Linux requires (strongly suggests?) you write/read to kernel mapped memory instead of directly to physical memory. First, you need to acquire the kernel-mapped physical address using the in/famous ioremap call. Using the mapped address we read and write to our GPIO registers using ioread32 and iowrite32 respectively. This is the only Linux machinery involved in this raw_io version. As you probably figure this is more a peek at what one would code inside a driver responsible to implement the concrete implementations of functions offered by something like include/linux/gpio.h. We will even end up writing assembly code from Ada to achieve pure rawness! 2ff7e9595c

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